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Impact of Different Types of Cross-Cultural Training on Cross: Cultural Adjustment

Author : Chetna Sharma

Abstract :

Due to globalization, corporate sent expatriates from their home country to host country to extend their business worldwide. When expatriates reside in a foreign culture they face a lot of challenges to adopt the unfamiliar culture, which may cause premature return from a foreign country without completing their project. Moreover, early repatriation causes loss of financial as well as human assets in the form of health and mental issues like depression, withdrawal from friends and activities, sleeping problems, low energy, confused thinking, extreme mood swings, etc. To overcome this problem, sound “cross-cultural training” should be adopted which can prepare expatriates to behave and perform efficiently in a different cross-cultural setting. This literature review investigates the impact of various forms of CCT on CCA. Most of the articles included in this study are empirical in nature. This study supports the results of prior studies that found that “cross-cultural training” methods have a better relation with “cross-cultural adjustment” but the “post-arrival training” gives the better results as compared to “pre-departure training”. Moreover, we find that “post-arrival training” is strongly related to work adjustment and “language training” is greatly associated with interaction adjustment and general adjustment. The review revealed that there is greater need to further explore the deficiency in CCT methods and modify them according to need of the situation.

Keywords :

Cross-cultural training, cross-cultural adjustment, pre-departure training, post-arrival training, language training, expatriates, repatriation