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A Study on Challenges and Factors Influencing Online Banking Services in India

Author : Dr. Pooja Kumari and Dr. R Vennila

Abstract :

The global financial environment now includes online banking as a fundamental component. The development of financial and technological advancements has made e-banking a significant component of the banking industry. The advancement of technology is expanding day by day. Technology is becoming the primary driver of fast development. Because of the enhanced customer satisfaction level, increased productivity, decreased cost of banking operations, and faster and larger volume settlements caused by electronic payments, online banking is significantly strengthening the banking sector and enhancing service quality. In India's banking industry, online banking services are expanding daily. The number of people using online banking services in India's banking industry is increasing daily. Investigating the online banking services offered by the Indian banking industry is the goal of this study. Primary and secondary sources, including bank managers, websites, and other sources, were used to compile the data for this study. Online banking services include things like email banking, phone banking, personal computer banking, and automated teller machines (ATMs). The study's findings suggest that effective regulation can raise banking consumers' knowledge.

Keywords :

Online banking services, factors of online banking, challenges