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History of Language in India

Author : Dr. Vinod Kumari

Abstract :

India is a big country in which people of different castes, religions, standards of living, food habits, languages and customs are living. Apart from physical diversities between one region and the other, there are several other kinds of diversities in India. The language problem in India is not simply academic. Gradually it has taken a political turn. Certain minority parties have given it the form of a national problem in order to earn cheap popularity and fulfilling their vested political ends. Language problem is not peculiar to India, it is found in several other countries. America and some developed nations of Europe also have language problems. But in India it has taken the form of a movement. Riots, loot and arson in the name of language have been resorted to in the past in our country. In the present article, the status of language studies has been highlighted in the time of various ruling powers in India.

Keywords :

Language, India, ruling powers, various commission, history