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Strategies to Improve Basic Learning in the Post-Covid Educational Situation

Author : Dr. G Satyanarayana and Dr. S Srinivas

Abstract :

The Covid-19 Pandemic is one of the worst disasters that the world has faced so far. Many lost their lives and livelihood. The impact is irreparable till today, predominantly in developing and poor countries. It has created a great lacuna in the development of various fields. This void is even greater in the field of education. All educational institutions, schools in particular were shut down completely for many days. Despite the efforts of online education to compensate the loss, the educational standards of students have come down alarmingly. Several methods of remedial teaching are planned after reopening the schools, perceiving that Covid will not have much effect as it did in the first and second waves. Hence this paper aims to explore the remedial measures and their effectiveness in improving the students’ academic performance. Besides that, this paper also offers several suggestions to bridge the gap.

Keywords :

Covid, academics, remedial measures, performance, reading and writing