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The Impact of Globalization on the Traditional Indian Psyche: An Analytical Study of Sudha Murthi’s A Doller Bahu

Author : Dr. Upendra Kumar Dwivedi

Abstract :

The phenomenon of brain-drain, which refers to the emigration of highly skilled individuals from their home country to seek better opportunities abroad, has been expedited during the era of globalization. This has had a significant impact on various fields, including literature. Indian literature in English, in particular, has garnered worldwide acclaim due to the emergence of talented new authors who have been influenced by the globalized world. In recent years, a multitude of writers have made noteworthy contributions to the advancement and evolution of Indian English literature across various categories. These authors have brought fresh perspectives and narratives that reflect the complexities of Indian society in the modern world. Sudha Murty, a distinguished contemporary female author, has played a pivotal role in enhancing Indian English literature with her unique storytelling style and insightful themes. Her imaginative works eloquently capture the essence of Indian culture, often incorporating elements from Indian mythologies. She skillfully weaves together traditional and contemporary themes, creating narratives that resonate with readers from different backgrounds. Through her novel "Dollar Bahu," she adeptly depicts the realities of Indian culture, while also shedding light on the challenges faced by immigrants in their marriages within an Indian context. "Dollar Bahu" explores the story of Gouramma, a character who experiences cultural disorientation as she navigates life in a foreign land. The novel delves into the complexities of marriage and the clash of values that arise when individuals from different cultural backgrounds come together. Her portrayal of Gouramma's struggles provides readers with valuable insights into the intricacies of marriage and life in a foreign land, highlighting the challenges faced by immigrants and the need for understanding and adaptation. Through her writing, she not only entertains readers but also educates them about the diverse cultural landscape of India and the experiences of immigrants. Her works serve as a bridge between different cultures, fostering empathy and understanding among readers from various backgrounds. By exploring themes of cultural identity, marriage, and the immigrant experience, Murty contributes to the advancement of Indian English literature and promotes cross-cultural dialogue.

Keywords :

Cultural shock, marriage, earning, false belief