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Persuasive Advertising's Impact on the Buying Attitude of College Students in Coimbatore City with Special Reference to PG Students

Author : Dr. Priya Kalyanasundaram

Abstract :

Through enticing offerings that would fulfil their goals and desires, persuasive advertising attempts to persuade a consumer to acquire a product or service. Advertising, which is a component of the marketing mix, is frequently utilised to draw in new potential clients and keep hold of current ones. The main goal of advertising is to inform consumers about the goods. Consumers are persuaded to buy a product or service by persuasive advertising based on their feelings, not on the facts. As a result, it has grown to be crucial for marketing and sales. Advertising behaviour can be divided into two categories: ethical behaviour and unethical behaviour. The purpose of the study is to clarify the moral and immoral facets of advertising and ascertain how they affect college students' purchasing decisions. This study looks at the strategies employed in ads to influence and persuade consumers to purchase a product. The study also lists the numerous marketing channels that are employed for student-targeted advertising. This essay shows the findings from a quantitative study that was done among PG-level college students who were chosen using simple random sampling.

Keywords :

Persuasive advertising, marketing channels, purchase decision, ethical methods, unethical methods, persuasive techniques