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Karna's Wife by Kavita Kane, "The Outcast's Queen," and the Female Protagonist's Courage: An Analysis of the Historicity of the Characterization

Author : Anamika Saha

Abstract :

This research paper analyses the portrayal of the female lead in Karna's Wife-The Outcast's Queen by Kavita Kane. In her retelling of the Mahabharata, whose plot was set in the Vedic age of India, the author purposefully invented the character Uruvi to showcase the virtues of Karna to the world. The premise of this study is that while Uruvi's portrayal appears to have lost some of its historical validity in a relatively small number of circumstances, her personality trait of bravery continues to be an inspiration for people in modern society. The goal of the research is to understand and analyse how the protagonist thinks and behaves in situations that serve as socio-psychological triggers for the character's responses in the novel. The qualitative approach is used since the study is transformative and analytical in character. To determine the historicity of the characterization and determine the value of the novel in terms of bringing about a progressive qualitative change among the populace, the analysis of the text is carried out by citing empirical historical evidence that is readily available in a number of public domains.

Keywords :

Epic period, historical accuracy, bravery, inter-caste marriages and femininity