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Diversity of Fish Fauna in Silli-Ambadi Lake of District Bhandara (M.S.)

Author : Kurve Madhusudan

Abstract :

Study of Fish Fauna Carried out at. Silli-Ambadi Lake at.Silli. The area which is selected for the study occupy 7.90R hectare. It is situated at 9.8 km from Bhandara, and 1.2 km from Silli, it is situated near Silli. However local and popular name is “Silli-Ambadi Lake/Silli-Ambadi Talav” it is built on and impounds a local nallah, its gross storage capacity is 1.27 MCM & live storage capacity is 1.22 MCM, the Lake or dam constructed as part of irrigation project by government of Maharashtra. Hence, Silli-Ambadi Lake is selected as study area. The main objective of this study is to examine the physico-chemical of Silli-Ambadi Lake and to suggest to conserve method for drinking water and irrigation purposes.
Collection of Fishes: During study period fishes were collected during catching period with the help of fisherman. The fishermen were local. The fishing is done on large scale and then send to the nearby Fish Market for selling. Netting is being conducted by Gill netting and cast netting and they used Engine boat for catching fish.
Result: Physico-chemical characteristics of water sample were determined by using standard method. The observed physicochemical parameters were tabulated and analysed to understand the physicochemical characteristics of water. Simultaneously the fish fauna was also observed identified & efforts were made to understand the co-relation between them.

Keywords :

Fish fauna, Silli-Ambadi lake, physico-chemical characteristics